A look inside our member training program

As the pandemic worsens in the U.S., with schools shutting down and transitioning to online formats, MoneyThink was faced with the challenge of training our new recruits virtually while maintaining the same quality of in-person training sessions.

Each week, our executive team focused on teaching different skillsets that we believed would best prepare our mentors in engaging with high school students. From finance topics to professional development, we aim to provide our members with the most comprehensive training experience.

In one of our most popular training sessions, our very own, Cara Keogh, headed the workshop on Mastering PowerPoint. It was a great way to train our members to utilize hard skills in PowerPoint to effectively present engaging lessons for high school students.

Following our workshops, we give our members the opportunity to practice the skills that they learned through mini projects assigned each week.

Below, you can hear about one of our newest recruits’ experience with our training program:

MoneyThink’s training program provided essential guidance on recruiting, PowerPoint, Excel, networking, and most importantly, mentoring. I learnt how to better prepare myself to make most use out of the opportunities around us; whether it’d be applying to engaging internships or participating in fun programs to grow myself personally and professionally. Ultimately, it prepared me to better achieve my goal of helping, teaching, and having an impact on the LA community. And for that, I am forever grateful.
— Arturo Rodrigues, Spring 2020 Class

Personal Finance Series: Roth IRA